Monday, October 1, 2007

Free as Slaves

In Chi Alpha last week we talked about the subject of rights and how we as Christians have none. As Winkie Pratney would say, "We are as free as slaves." I've heard Eli talk about this a couple of times and it really hits home for me, I've been chewing on this talk for awhile.

Here's a quick summary:

We are to be like Jesus. Jesus was very meek. When I think of meek the first thing that comes to mind is someone who is very gentle, quite, tame, etc.. but the question is, was Jesus meek when he ran the people out of the temple with a whip? YES. Meek means having a completely yielded spirit, one who does anything that his master asks of him. This is Jesus. And we as Christians are all called to be meek just as Jesus is. But when we are not yielded three things can come of this: anger, worry, or greed. When you are feeling any one of those things, you are giving up a right that you never had in the first place, because remember we are bond-servants (a person who goes back to his master and works for free). Our "rights" are violated by what we call the "It's, Them's, and the Me's." The "It's" would be your things. Like for me, our dishwasher is broken and now I have to hand wash all my dishes. The "Them's" would be people. Example: my roommates are not doing those dirty dishes in the sink. And the "Me". You hate to look at yourself in the mirror in the morning because your just not having a good curly hair day. The Lord uses these things to see if one of two things come out of you. Eli used this example, say you have two buckets, one with a horrible, deadly acid and the other being honey. When the "It's, Them's, and the Me's" kick you, what comes out of your heart? Acid or honey. You would be surprised. I usually am. What we need to do is when we are angry, worried, or greed is: stop---->identify the right you though you had-----> burn it!

That's pretty intense. But God loves us and He takes care of His servants. God wants to put a finger on every part of our lives. I really do love how involved our God is in our lives, I would be pretty worried if He wasn't. We serve a personal God, one who is near and never distant. Thank you Jesus.

"The good person out of the good treasure of his heart produces good, and the evil person out of the evil treasures produces evil, for out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks." Luke 6:45

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