Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Central Asia

I am testifying to the fact that life with the Lord is an absolute adventure and will never make sense to those who don't know Him. As a kid I loved and thrived on adventured. Secretly, I long to live my life in a fairy-tale full of flying and fighting pirates and sleeping in a lagoon full of mermaids with no electricity, just lanterns. I love the romantic thoughts of adventure like that. But as much as I know that most of those thoughts are completely unlikely, that doesn't mean that my life can not and will not be an adventure. God himself is supernatural and the ways He works is not normal. If we walk with the Lord, these whimsical adventures don't have to be so far out of reach. All that to say is that being a Christian is not boring. Life with the Lord of the universe is an absolute party! A missionary from England came and spoke to us at one of our XA meetings and he said one of the most profound and yet simple things that I have ever heard he said, "being a Christian is not boring, if it is, then you're not doing right." It's so true! I can't imagine my life any different. What a life the Lord has given me. Recently, I have been given the opportunity to spend a year in Central Asia! Although terrified of the unknown, I am ready to let go and follow Jesus as He leads me in yet another chapter of this crazy life. And I found out that there's no sense in trying to figure out the plan because it only gets you deeper and deeper into this abyss of nonsense, because the Lord doesn't want to spoil the joy of a surprise. It's like opening all your gifts before Christmas.
So friends, I am finishing out my last semester of my college career and will then embark upon one of the numerous adventures I get to have with my savior. Life for me for at least the next 7 months will consist of sharing my vision with willing supporters, praying my face off, and probably lots of crying and brokenness.....sweet. I hope to update this blog more often as if may prove to be a good source of communication in my support raising process. For those 2 people that may happen to stumble upon this page, please pray with me. More to come...hopefully.