Tuesday, September 25, 2007

And the Adventure Begins...

Alright, so I started a new blog because my old one was, well getting old. I have had a xanga site since I was a junior is high school. Its funny to me looking back at my old posts and seeing how ridiculous I was. So anyways, I wanted a fresh start and plus this one looks pretty sweet and a little more professional if that's possible.
I don't really know where to start. The Lord has been so good to us! I love how He is so personal and how He really does take care of us in a very tangible way. This school year has started off so sweet for me. I went into it feeling slightly defeated because all of my good buddies have graduated and have spread out and major changes were occurring in my life, but then God showed up and told me that He was bigger than my petty worries. Since then its been an amazing adventure. It's pretty late, so I'm going to be lame and leave it at that, but there will be more to come. Till next time!